We'll see what this post is called when I'm done...

I'm not sure what's going on with that other post about the pancakes! I edited it and lost bunches of post! Silly mommy!

I'm back from shopping for what I needed to complete the ingedients list for the Awesome Oatmeal pancakes. If they're as awesome as they sound, you'll see the link! {I'm betting they are, mommies know!}

Official start time - 3 pm.
- saved a draft copy... not going through that again!

By 3:20 I had the first set of pancakes, now called Mommy's Oppy-cakes, on the griddle. Had to step out to meet the school bus at 3:40 - kept them warm and the girls loved 'em! I had more on the griddle but they were done with that first batch and cryin' for more before they were done!

One likes them without syrup - my dear who dislikes sugar - and the other likes them with, of course. BUT, without exception, everyone in the family likes them and I feel like a *good mom* having fed them omegas, whole grains, eggs and no stuff I can't pronounce! Wow!

Yay! A great day in the household.
