MostlyMommies - our new blog


Welcome to MostlyMommies' blog. It's mostly by me but I often use suggestions from my kids for our games page. It's one of the best list of free online games for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and up that you can find right now, if I may toot my own horn. Then again, I've been creating and maintaining the website through its many changes and recreations since... wow... 2001 when it was hosted as a subsite. It grew, almost like my kids have! About 5 months ago, our family grew again so I can promise you this - future additions to the site will have more "boy" leanings as our newest addition is also my first boy! My girls absolutely adore and cherish the new "little man" and I already fear for how spoiled for girly attention he's getting. ;-)

I used to have a much broader scope on the site and I'm hoping now to return to a focus on crafting with kids and for kids as the games page was supposed to be one way to entertain kids while you craft... not necessarily the goal of the whole website.

So, since the blog part of MostlyMommies is new, I just want to point out, I'll be adding links to games here, too, but for the full list, you'll want to go to MostlyMommies free games page. We have some game reviews as well and I'm hoping to launch... ack... I don't dare say it in a public forum or it will pressure me to go through with it sooner rather than later.... rest assured, if I DO go through with it, it will be worth the wait.

And who knows when that will be? After all, I AMMM....