Sure, it sounds easy enough and oh-so back to basics, making your child a Halloween costume at home. Obviously, you want one that stands out and makes your child proud! Don't even get me started on the whole "inappropriate costumes for girls" concept here... I can dedicate a whole post some other time. Suffice it to say, none that you'll find here will add "tartification" to your family's Halloween.
I've been searching for years - YEARS - for the best costumes that I can make at home. I am not an advanced seamstress but I can and do sew and I am a wannabe master at papier mache projects. (Art Attack - still my favorite craft site after all these years!) I also like knitting but I can't complete projects in a timely manner!
This is a great find -
Homemade Halloween makeup, blood and bruises - I hate putting on waxy, mystery substance makeup on the girls' faces. They get rashy a little too easily for that. I think I'll feel better about this kind.
Bubble bath costume - awww.... I hope I can get one of the girls to try this one out in 2008. It looks easy and unique. I think if I really promote the glitter and balloons, I may be able to get my 8 year old girl to take this one on.
Dresser or chest of drawers - as long as it's not too heavy, this could be cool. I don't think it would be school friendly though. The school bus ride alone would be awkward, never mind navigating such a boxy costume into a desk! But - for around the neighbourhood - a rockin' idea.
Okay, saving the best for last - or should I say - what MOMMY can do at the last minute to get dressed up for Halloween, too! One year, I was invited to a family friendly Halloween party and I got the girls' costumes all together and done up and we were all set to go when I realized I didn't have any costume for myself! I had seen it once at a party when I was in my... hmmm... younger years let's say ;-)) - I raced to the kitchen, grabbed the tin foil and wrapped my arms and torso - if you DO have a minute, get a friend to help. Then I fashioned a hat (you know, one of those "aliens are beaming thoughts into my head and this stops them" kind of caps?) and set it on my head. Voila - I was Leftovers. So fitting for a non-stop mom! Alright, it was kind of cheesy, pun intended, but it was a costume and I partied with my kids and friends. I couldn't ask for more.
More homemade costumes to come...