I don't know what the rules are but I suppose it's only fair to say Shrinky Dinks exist as an item you can buy.
Now that I've said that, it's possible to make them for free - better than free, you use stuff from your recycling bin! I know I used and recommend using #6 plastic. I've seen other sites stating you can use other numbers but you probably have enough #6 (which works spectacularly!) to achieve what you want.
This is not a toddler craft! It's best for 8 years and up, I'd say. But with proper parental supervision, it's your call. If the child is not using the oven, the permanent markers are your biggest concern. And if your child mouths things still, this is for later in crafts-years.
I used the tops from two store-bought sushi lunches.
These have the little #6 ... I'm going to try with a white plastic #6 single yogurt container and let you know later.
Draw what you'd like on there with a Sharpie. Great idea is to trace an outline from a picture. You can colour in the outline with other permanent colour markers.
If you want a pendant, punch the hole in there before you out it in the oven.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
I did everything on a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper on it - just in case.
Here is another amazing fact: it's free AND fast!
The largest ones we made took 1:45 (one minute and forty-five seconds). The smallest were 1:00 (one minute).
So, once your oven is the right temperature, open it up and slide in the baking sheet with your plastic shrinking pieces on it. Watch with the oven door closed - or if you have to (like me) take pictures, open it up a crack.
You'll be able to see that they're done but first you'll probably have that moment of "oh my god, what's happening in there?" as they curl up. Don't freak out! They curl up and then they lay flat - smaller and thicker! Then take them out.
*I actually remembered to get a measuring tape out for some of the pictures so you can get a good idea of the shrinkage factor.
Look at the pictures below for proof and for fun! Then go make yourself something unique and cool! Post your comments or pictures, I'd love to hear what you did with the idea.
Curled up and flattened out! It's like exercise for plastic!
by Mostly Mommy